Chamomile Oil for Hair

What are the benefits of chamomile oil for hair?

The benefits of chamomile are not only limited to the body, it turns out that it has many benefits for hair as well. Find out the most important information about chamomile oil for hair through this article.

Amazing Benefits Of Chamomile Oil For Hair

The use of chamomile oil for hair is accompanied by a different set of benefits, which we summarize below:

1. increases hair shine: Chamomile oil adds shine to the hair by moisturizing and nourishing it.

2. It works to lengthen hair: the use of chamomile oil contributes to hair lengthening and smoothing. 

3. Reduces split ends and dryness of hair: it is effective in getting rid of dry and brittle hair because it keeps the hair moist and strengthens it.

4. Nourishes the scalp: the use of chamomile oil promotes the health of the scalp and helps soothe it, reduces itching and irritation, and contributes to the treatment of dandruff on the scalp.

5. Lightens hair color: add a few drops of chamomile oil to the henna mixture and apply it to highlight those natural strands of your hair.

6. Nourishes the hair: chamomile oil helps to nourish the hair, and it is possible to replace many products containing chemicals with chamomile oil.

Ways to use chamomile oil for hair

It is possible to use chamomile oil in several ways, among which we mention the following:

  • Chamomile oil spray for hair

To use chamomile oil in spray form, you only need to follow the following steps: 

  1. Dilute 10 to 15 drops of chamomile oil in every 29 ML of water.
  2. Add chamomile oil with water to a spray bottle and shake the mixture thoroughly before use. 

Note: do not use a plastic spray bottle because the oil will break the plastic over time.

  • Chamomile Oil Hair Mask

You can mix chamomile oil with another type of essential oil or in your shampoo or conditioner. 

To use chamomile oil as a hair mask, follow the following steps:

  1. Apply chamomile oil to the hair after diluting it with water. 
  2. Cover your hair with a towel or a shower cap after applying chamomile oil.
  3. Leave chamomile oil on the hair overnight or for at least 30 minutes.

Note: some types of essential oils can irritate the scalp if you apply them directly to the scalp.

  • Chamomile Oil Mixture for Lightening Hair

As mentioned earlier, it is possible to use chamomile oil to lighten hair, and to do this, you need to follow the following steps:

  1. Mix ten drops of chamomile oil with two tablespoons of salt and two-thirds of a glass of baking soda.
  2. Add warm water to the previous ingredients until it forms a paste-like mixture.
  3. Apply the mixture to the hair, massage it into the scalp, and leave for about half an hour before rinsing.

Side effects of using chamomile oil

Before you apply chamomile oil recipes for hair it is important to familiarize yourself with the side effects that may be associated with it, namely as follows: 

  1. Chamomile oil can cause skin irritation in some people, so it is preferable to try it on a small patch of skin before applying it to the scalp.
  2. Some people may suffer from allergies to chamomile oil, so those people should pay close attention.
  3. Chamomile oil may interact with some medications, such as Warfarin so consult a doctor before using it.
  4. It is better not to use chamomile oil in case of pregnancy or breastfeeding before consulting a doctor.

It should also be noted that chamomile oil should not be swallowed.


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