Rare skin-blistering disease spread by CATS is spotted in Britain for the first time ever


Cases of a "painful" skin disease transmitted to humans by cats have been detected in Britain, in the first cases of its kind ever in this country, after the disease remained linked to regions in South America.

Rare skin-blistering disease spread by CATS

According to the newspaper "Daily Mail", this rare skin disease that occurs with blisters on the skin has not been observed anywhere outside South America.

3 Britons reported the appearance of what looks like a fungus on the skin, saying that they suffered from blisters and wounds on various areas of the body such as the hand, wrist, and arm.

Health officials in Britain said the three infected people were infected by a cat brought by its owner from Brazil, where the disease is originally spreading.

Tests were carried out on all three, and the result was positive against the well-known Brazilian fungal disease"Brazilianesis sporothrix".

Although those affected suffered and had to seek treatment, they later made a full recovery.


When Sporotrichosis is transmitted from cats to humans, the most common symptoms include:

The appearance of a rash: the disease may begin with the appearance of a small, red rash in the affected area, it may be painful or itchy.

Canker sores: the rash may progress to canker sores, and small, ulcerative sores can appear on the affected area.

Swollen lymph glands: the sufferer may notice swollen lymph glands near the affected area. This swelling may be painful and noticeable to the touch.

Flaking of the skin: flaking of the skin may occur in the affected area, and this flaking may go beyond the initial area of the rash.

Subcutaneous lumps form: in rare cases, subcutaneous lumps (also known as nodular lumps) can form in the affected areas.

The infection can also spread to the human eye, lungs, bones, and joints, and sometimes even extend to the central nervous system.

Symptoms vary in severity and development from case to case. It is important to keep in touch with the doctor and get the appropriate diagnosis and treatment in case of any symptoms suspected of being Sporotrichosis.


To prevent the development of Sporotrichosis, some of the following preventive measures can be followed:

Keep cats healthy: be sure to provide your cat with the necessary health care, including periodic vaccinations and treatment of known injuries or diseases.

Avoid exposure to infected cats: avoid touching cats with Sporotrichosis, especially if they have a rash or show symptoms of the disease.

Wear gloves: when handling cats, especially if there are cuts or scratches on the skin, it is preferable to wear protective gloves to reduce the risk of infection.

Personal hygiene: wash hands thoroughly with soap and water after handling cats, especially after cleaning their dishes or litter box.

Clean contaminated areas: if surfaces are contaminated with cat hair or secretions, clean them with a suitable disinfectant and sterilize them to limit the spread of the fungus.

Caution in gardens and farms: in the case of working in gardens or handling contaminated soil, it is preferable to wear gloves and appropriate shoes to reduce the chances of exposure to the fungus.

Consult a doctor: if you have been scratched or injured when handling cats or have suspected symptoms, go to the doctor to assess the condition and direct you to the appropriate treatment.

Data from the World Health Organization indicate that this infection, which usually has mild symptoms, poses a significant threat to health, while the world is experiencing climate change that is making the disease more easily transmitted.

To learn more about sporotrichosis you can read the following article on our website.


Rare skin-blistering disease spread by CATS is spotted in Britain

Sporothrix Brasiliensis

. Symptoms of Sporthrix

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