Best Ways To Moisturize Your Scalp

How is it possible to moisturize the scalp? What natural and medical methods are possible to get rid of a dry scalp? The answer is in the following article.

Best Ways To Moisturize Your Scalp
We will introduce you to what comes on a set of medical and natural methods that may help you moisturize the scalp.

About Dry Scalp 

Dry scalp is a condition in which a type of dryness affects the skin located in the scalp area, so the affected person begins to notice the appearance of various symptoms on the scalp, such as:

  • Peeling and roughness of the skin.
  • Skin itching.
  • Burning or stinging in the scalp area.
  • Pulling in the skin of the scalp.
  • Dryness of hair.

The scalp may become dehydrated as a result of low levels of sebum produced in the scalp area, or as a result of the body becoming dehydrated from the inside, and this is a summary of some factors that may contribute to a dry scalp: 

  • Adopt unhealthy habits for hair, such as prolonged bathing with hot water, household heating means, and harmful hair preparations. 
  • Certain skin problems include some types of eczema such as Atopic dermatitis (Atopic dermatitis), psoriasis of the scalp (Scalp psoriasis), and dandruff.
  • Other factors and causes include allergies, following a diet rich in carbohydrates and sugars, and stress.
While some home methods and natural recipes may work to moisturize dry scalp caused by transient factors, dryness of the scalp associated with specific health problems may require medical intervention.

Natural and Home Methods

 To moisturize the scalp and combat its dryness, here are some home methods:

1. Moisturizing the scalp using oils 

It is possible to resort to several types of natural oils to moisturize the scalp, such as:

  • Coconut oil

A certain amount of coconut oil is heated enough to immerse the scalp, then this warm oil is distributed over the skin of the scalp and left for 30 minutes or overnight. Wash off the oil from the hair with water and shampoo.

  • Tea tree oil

Drops of tea tree essential oil are mixed with 1-3 tablespoons of olive oil, then the oils are distributed over the scalp, and washed off after 10 minutes.

2. Moisturizing the scalp using lemon

Mix 5 drops of juice taken from fresh lemon with just two tablespoons of coconut fruit oil, then, the mixture is used to massage the dehydrated scalp. The bottom layer is washed off with lemon and oil after 30 minutes. 

3. Moisturizing the scalp using a banana

Mash a ripe pulp taken from a banana, then mix the mashed pulp with coconut fruit oil, after which a banana oil mask is applied directly to the dry scalp. This moisturizing mask is left on the scalp for a third of an hour, then the scalp is rinsed with shampoo and water.

4. Moisturizing the scalp with aloe vera 

A green aloe leaf is cut off, the fresh gel is extracted from the inside, then the gel is applied directly to the scalp, and washed off after 20 minutes. 

5. Moisturizing the scalp using curd 

One glass of curd is mixed with a whole egg, and then only drops of one of the essential oils are added to the egg yogurt mixture. Then the milk-egg mask is spread on the scalp and left for 30 minutes before rinsing with a suitable shampoo and water.

6. Moisturizing the scalp using apple cider vinegar 

Natural apple cider vinegar is mixed with water in a ratio of 2: 1, so that the amount of water is greater than the amount of vinegar, then the scalp is rinsed with diluted apple cider vinegar, and the scalp is washed again with clean (preferably cold) water after 10 minutes.

7. Moisturizing the scalp using other recipes

Such as the following:

  • Onion juice: mix only a quarter cup of onion juice with a little honey, then pass a cotton swab moistened with the mixture on the scalp, and wash the scalp after 25 minutes.
  • Baking soda: 3 tablespoons of baking soda are mixed with rose water, then the scalp is massaged with baking soda paste for a few minutes, then washed off with lukewarm water.
  • Vitamin E: the contents of 10 capsules of vitamin E oil are emptied into a small plate, then the scalp is massaged with this oil and washed off after an hour.

Therapeutic Methods 

Home recipes may not be enough to moisturize the scalp if the cause of dry scalp is a health problem, this type of problem needs medical treatment, as follows:

1. Methods of treatment of dehydration associated with psoriasis of the head 

Such as the following methods:

  • Resort to light therapy (Light therapy).
  • The use of oral or topical medications may help suppress the immune system.

2. Methods of treatment of dryness associated with dandruff 

Such as the following methods: 

  • Use a shampoo containing therapeutic components, such components: zinc pyrithione (pyrithione zinc), and salicylic acid.
  • The use of steroid ointments in some cases.

3. Methods of treatment of eczema-related dehydration

Such as the following methods:

  • The use of certain drugs, such as corticosteroids, and antibiotics.
  • Resort to phototherapy.

Additional Tips 

Applying the following additional recommendations may also help to keep the scalp hydrated:

  • Focus on eating certain food items, such as nuts, eggs, fish, sweet potatoes, and avocados.
  • Use a shampoo that is free of harmful chemicals, or wash your hair fewer times a week if the shampoo used contains harmful chemicals.
  • Use a device to humidify the atmosphere of the room while at home as much as possible.
  • Avoid the following as much as possible: hair care products rich in harmful substances, thermal styling tools, alcohol, and caffeine.

Other recommendations, such as: exfoliating and massaging the scalp regularly, sleeping a sufficient number of hours at night, drinking water in sufficient quantities, avoid sugars in the diet.

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